Project 6- Daniel Hurst

Project 6                 


  1. I like the way you changed the opacity of the die to show it transforming, but I would suggest keeping all the dice the same color so that it's more obvious that it's one die. Also I like the dark vignette around the third design, maybe considering adding a vignette to the other designs to help unify them?

  2. Getting better all the time! I agree with comment above, and a few more suggestions:

    One of the reasons the third one is so successful, is that the dark silhouette of the dragon blends in a bit with the dark background. How can you pull that approach into the other 2? Well... first, you will need to reduce the portal in #1 to give you room to work with the background. And then, yes - try a vignette that will darken the edges of the composition. You can also use opacity on those black shapes to let us see through them just a tad... giving them a mystical appearance.

    Typography: What is the name of your product - in these ads it appears to be "Revolutionary Dice". Is that true? If so... I wonder if you can find another name that is more specific to what this actually does in the game, or helps us do with it?

    You have written this well - so the first part of the headings read in an exciting action-packed way: Embrace the Adventure; Find New Worlds; Feel Like You are There. I think you could enlarge those words (notice my capitalization please), and reduce the following words - even choosing a sans serif font for the smaller words. Your job is to emphasize the action words, and let the other ones support that action in a smaller, less noticeable way.


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