Project 4


  1. I like the layout and design. I would change the font, only because I'm not a fan of it.

  2. The image is strong - as is the font design, so I'm not sure you need to change the font. However, you do need to place the text differently. In an effort to place some of the text "into" the composition, there might be too much inside the image itself? I notice that you have a large black area at the bottom of the page... could you move some of the text into that area? Maybe the facts could move down there and off the sky? Keep thinking about text size and placement. (It's important to eliminate the hanging widows - that one word - at the end of each paragraph on its own line).

  3. The design is sold but I do feel like the font is a bit much and can take the viewer out of the design. It feels too bold and in your face unless that was the intention.

  4. I like the way the type is set on opposing sides to mimic the text messages but I agree that it gets confusing and imposes on the image, so that idea might have to go. I think the left and right margins are a little too narrow compared to the top and bottom.


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