Project 4 - Sykes

I've already edited this quite a bit before posting it, but I'm not entirely sure what to continue changing other than the body text.  Suggestions?


  1. I think that's a great font choice and it's legible to me. If anything i would make the bottom straight by cropping it getting rid of the curves at the bottom of his tee-shirt.

  2. I'd crop it to fit everything into the poster, as well as change the font, looks a bit vampire-like to me.

  3. I just want to READ the type... black (or dark gray I think) is not readable against a blood red. White would be a much better choice for all of it. The headline font seems very appropriate to me, since he writes scary books. But, I would consider changing the body copy to a more readable font. The subheading (Fiction is...) falls apart because of the large amount of leading between the lines. Please reduce that line spacing. Good illustration and I actually like the way his figure breaks out of the format... however, the bottom edge might benefit by becoming straight. Or, a more gradual, intentional, curve. This will be a good piece!

  4. Looks great! The illustration is very well done, but I would suggest making the darks of it a little bit darker than they are. I know you're already working on the type but if you haven't done it yet I would suggest making the body copy left-aligned for legibility's sake.


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