Preservation Pod Project


  1. I think the photoshop work is done, so I only have a minor suggestion: Return to the paragraph of type and highlight the words that, when read together, could help us understand your message.

    Currently this is how they read: Preservation Pod 76% 5 beautiful.

    Is this a missed opportunity to convey your message and sell this technology?

    OH also - I see that the headline size is not the same in both - and should be (I favor the larger sized one).

  2. They both look really good. The second one especially is like a work of art. On the first one I think the edges of the steam could be a little bit... steamier. The way the image inside pushes right up to the edge with no sort of fade in makes it a little difficult to tell what's going on at first.

  3. These look really good, the contrast between the dirtier and cleaner sky helps your message, even though the pod is clear for me to see maybe it could be defined more.

  4. Great photoshop work, my only suggestion is keeping the typography almost the same in each one.


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