Thomas Bozek- Boston Homelessness

I started this off by finding a stock image of an alley in Boston that really caught my eye. My next thing was to add a subject when I came across this man who looks like he's seen some serious stuff. I added him in to the background and made the final image into black and white to make it more dramatic.


  1. The images mesh very well together, before I read what you wrote I didn't even realize they weren't originally one image. If this is to promote awareness of homeless in Boston, maybe a headline and subhead at the top would give it a more clear purpose.

  2. The man you put in fits right in, though the alley is open to the sky, would his hair be that light? Or would shade from the side of the buildings affect that, maybe slightly. Otherwise it works as is at the same time.

  3. Absolutely great masking, but as others have said, unless I read your blurb I would not have known this was a composite. The hair is striking, and seems to really pull the reader in. It's as if a beam of sunlight is coming down into the alley to highlight it - I believe this is happening, it is possible and quite wonderful. I agree about adding text - please do. Even a few words placed into the dramatic perspective of the buildings would work. Notice, I said "placed into, not onto" - meaning that word (or words) would appear to be painted onto the side of the building (maybe where he appears to be looking?). Your learned how to do that in my class!

  4. This is a strong piece and I think with some creative signage in the background you could send a powerful message.

  5. A very nice mask. I do think a headline would be nice to tell people that this is about homelessness.


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