Project 3 Final- Daniel Hurst


  1. I think the removal of the gears was definitely a good decision and the small changes to the logo are a big improvement. I know this is your final version but I want to say that it seems like when you enlarged your image of Caslon you didn't just scale him up but stretched him taller. Maybe just adjust it so that he is properly scaled?

  2. Yes, please make sure poor Caslon isn't distorted! Also - I wonder if you would want to move the word "Caslon" in the right hand column all the way to to the bottom right hand corner of the page? It is a bit confusing right now as it sits so close to you logo, and the word Myriad. Since you have the word "Myriad" in the upper left, placing "Caslon" in the lower right probably makes good sense.


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