Resume + Business Card and Logo- Bella Marinelli

Critiques and suggestions are welcome! A different color palette than what I usually work with but I had fun and found it refreshing.


  1. Earlier in this blog I questioned the serif font I see... I still do. Consider finding a contemporary sans serif to match with your funky, fun headline font.

    I wonder if the color areas of your resume are a bit distracting from the content. Have you considered just running the color down the column, and not with the arms that stretch out to the right?

    Also - are the subheadings challenging your name/icon in the visual hierarchy? Can they be downplayed a bit? Maybe the headings in the right column (where most of your content sits) should be styled in a manner similar to the body copy?

  2. I love the color palette still, very lively and bright. I agree with Coni about the orange bars. Maybe try to incorporate the orange into the text itself? Also, I feel like there could be a little more content. For example, under skills, you talk about your technical skills, but there's no mention of the more human side of your skills (time management, communication, etc.)

  3. I agree with everything said but it is coming along well.


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