project 3- Daniel Hurst


  1. I like the sort of yin and yang thing you have going with the design. The rounded shape of the black creates interest throughout the design. I feel like the part right in the center could use some work. It could be my imagination, but it seems like where it says Caslon and Myriad the text has been squished? Also, I like the addition of blue in the middle for color, but consider working it in throughout the design so it feels more unified.

  2. The concept is really nice, and the portrait illustration is great, if i had any critique it would be to at least slightly space out the sub head and body text. For example, between "how myriad works with Caslon" and "How myriad works with Caslon italic" if you have the space to do so.

  3. I see a few things that could use some attention: you don't need a hyphen in your alphabet at the top of the page; the combination of Myriad Italic heading with Caslon Bold body copy isn't a successful pairing because the body copy is way more bold than the heading. Can you use Myriad Bold Italic and see if that establishes the correct visual hierarchy? Because this is a typography poster, it is important that every detail is attended too - so please print this out and I'll help you tighten up some of these minor details.


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