Project 2 - Jon Lerew

My second project to be updated is my cover, contents, and spread from the magazine Traverse.


  1. The use of vectors for your main feature article is awesome! The overall layout is really engaging and is easy to follow!

  2. Let's print this in b/w for me to proof. My only comment would be to wonder if you need every element on these pages? I understand that you want to create an exciting design, and that certainly means giving the reader lots to look at - but remember that old adage: Less is More. Let's make sure every element is important to the design for balance, contrast, unity, etc etc. If it doesn't serve one of those important functions...

  3. Very colorful and creative, because of how it's organized i can follow along just fine.

  4. Love the concept and your use of color is great. The contents page, the offset blue boxes feel out of place maybe if they did the same ribbon effect as the cover creating more unity between the two? Would love to see the HOLI on the spread in a Script font to help unify the pages in the spread.

  5. It's very well done and how the colors on the cover flow throughout the different pages. I feel like the contents page is a bit too busy with the different text boxes unless it's meant to be that way.


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