Project 6 - Re-work - Nicole Wetherby

This was a PSA for the Massachusetts Opioid Epidemic "State without Stigma".
There are three different audiences, the one with the child, the audience is for parents.
The one with the man losing control is geared towards, students/adults.
The one with the statistic, the audience can be anyone and everyone in-between.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


  1. I like what you did with each of these designs, they're all unique in their own way. That said, I feel like the first two are more united with each other than the third is. Is there a way you can tie the third one in better?

  2. The first 2 use important background designs, and the 3rd does not. That is probably the reason it doesn't completely integrate with the first two. I would also suggest that you work a bit more with the house shape in the 3rd one. Have you considered filling it with a very light color rather than using heavy black strokes to delineate it? Please catch the typo in "Massachusetts" (and run a spell check on all of them). Nice work.


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