
My brand logo, resume, and business card.
Still putting the finishing touches on the cover letter so figured I'd wait to upload that.
The business card still needs a bit of tweaking as well.


  1. Stunning. Love the logo and love the design of the résumé. I'm worried the darkest part of the logo gets a little lost in the gray bar.

    1. Thank you! I actually color matched it so that would happen. I almost wanted it to feel like they were intertwined in a way.

  2. Logo is classy and flashy both - nice. I worry a bit about your first name getting lost in the gray background of your card, although I really like the light/heavy contrast you are using for your name. Have you considered using white for your name on the front of your card? It looks like you still need to work out a design in which your website address is not a reduced pt size to fit into the same space as the other shorter lines of your contact info. You can't avoid this... I think it is important that the pt size is consistent for your contact info if the lines sit near each other like this. Lastly - Have you considered using the lighter typeface for your subheadings (Work Experience/Contact information/Skills)?

    1. I uploaded this as of last week when I hadn't received your feedback. I fixed the website font sizing. I'll address the other issues when I have a second to sit down at my computer.


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