Project 3 - Henry David Thoreau Quote - Feedback Needed

This project was to pick a Henry David Thoreau quote and create a visual for it.  Thoreau had a love for the outdoors and New England, Walden pond, etc. So I really wanted to use the beauty of our area and a symbol of love, swans. The looking through the lens and seeing it, letting it posses you and it then becomes all you see.  I took a different approach on climate change and decided to focus on the positives and beauty of nature instead of doing a comparison of the obvious approach of comparing the what was, what is now, and what will be.


  1. I really like the concept. The 2nd pic is photoshopped really welll. The 1st pic, I know it might depend on the picture you used, but I would work on masking around the hand and lens because it's blurry around the edges, unless that's the effect you were going for.

  2. I agree with Gina about the blurriness. I see what you were going for, but I think as it is it's a little distracting. I also think the type could use some more contrast, even if it's just a small drop shadow.

    The second one, however, is stunning. The only possible recommendation I can think of for that is maybe try to make the lighting on the swans a little yellower to match the rest of the picture, but that could also detract from the angelic glow that gives the image its beauty.

  3. I agree with the other comments and it may be just me but in the first image it seems everything is blurry around the hand and lens. That may be the point and will help the viewer focus on the lens, it's just an observation.

  4. I think the 2nd picture is fine how it is, for the first one i kind of see what you were trying to do, maybe just blur the background, while having the clear image through the Lens, otherwise the blur around the hand does kind of draw my attention first then the image through the lens.

  5. I love this project - I think with the first image tho the lens itself looks like it's out of focus but the background image is also out of focus. Maybe change it to where the lens is in focus? Otherwise I love this.

  6. I remember your concept with the first one - and creating a blur around everything BUT the swans was the point. So... you can change the approach if you like, as many have suggested above. OR, you can blur the hand even more... I think the problem lies in not being clear about the approach. I would encourage you to rethink your typography - add his whole name and resize/restyle/re-create that lower right corner.


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