Project 2 and 3

Here is Project 2.

All of these images are apart of Project 3.

Haven't changed anything with them yet, just looking for feedback on how to improve them before making any serious changes.


  1. Project 2 looks great. Project 3 sorta leaves me confused with the 4th and 5th pictures. I want to know why the guy is grayscaled in the 4th pic and the little girl is green-colored in the 5th, also the placements of the people. I wouldn't know what to recommend since I'd scrap the whole concept of the 4th and 5th pic. I do like the first three pics though of project 3, the variation of the poster size/composition is great.

  2. I love the feeling of motion that is conveyed in the second project. The use of the HUD element gives it a hi-tech vibe which is great. I think the typeface you use could be adjusted to reflect this more, because as it is now it feels a little outdated.

    I like the layout of the ads in the third project, especially the use of the border. I think your logo could use some work, it needs more shape to it. Also keep in mind that logos should be designed so that they can be printed in black and white (with no grays) if necessary.

  3. I like the layout of the 3rd project, in the 1st and 3rd image, i know you meant to make the little girl greenish but her hand on her fathers back leaves a greenish trail down his back and maybe you meant to do that as well?

  4. Project 2: Is very eyecatching and well design although I feel like the text doesn't carry the same feel of speed. Maybe a blur or a different font would fit better?

    project 3: The use of the border is good at leading the eye around the design although on 4-5, the design is jumbled and could be done better. The different phases of life is an interesting idea but the different images in 5 could be similar to the 4th one and how they were blended together is confusing.

  5. Love the second project. The 1st picture in project 3 kinda throws me off, the green confused me a little bit but after reading what it was supposed to be it made sense. There might be a better way you would be able to portray it? Otherwise I like it.

  6. The head positioning of the fourth picture in project 3 seems a bit awkwardly placed to me. The usage of green throws me off, too. Is there a reason for the color and opacity usage.

  7. Project 2 looks done to me - unless you wanted to add a paragraph of type moving down the right hand size of the project. Is this a poster to advertise a race? What is the purpose for this image... answering that might help you decide what, if anything, to do next.
    Project 3 - I would like to talk to you in class about this. My question to you will be - what visual changes help you reinforce your message? Maybe the green isn't as effective as a simple transition from b/w to color? Maybe you will need to decide which approach makes most sense... a person/family in an environment, or the compositing of foreground figures showing generations? And finally, you do NOT have to have a 3-project Ad Campaign for your portfolio just because it was the assignment. So - please corner me next week and we can have a longer discussion about this.


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