Project 10 - AD Campaign - Nicole Wetherby

These were Ads I created as an AD campaign for a product that doesn't exist.  Make-Up in a flash at the touch of a button. Quick, easy and simple.


  1. I love the colors and the designs of all of them. I think some of the faces look slightly cutoff on the last two full page ads. Otherwise I love them.

  2. Well unified and professional! Overall I think this are well-made pieces, the montaging of photos seems pretty good.
    I'm not sure if this is what Jake is referring to, but I think especially in the third one the blurring on the hair is a little strange to the right. I'm also not crazy about the secondary typeface, it feels a little Arial-ish.
    I see a couple different spellings of the name, both carumba and caraumba. The actual Spanish word is spelled caramba, but regardless of which spelling you go with, just make sure it is consistent across the entire campaign (though I would definitely encourage you to consider the traditional spelling, because if you show your portfolio to any Spanish-speaking clients it might cause them some concern if they see spelling errors).
    Lastly, the phone mockup needs to be adjusted so that the image doesn't reach all the way up past the camera.

  3. The web banner is a particularly strong design. Maybe it's because of the more limited color palette (blues only)?


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