Project 9 4/10/19- Daniel Hurst


  1. Instead of "what" maybe "menu" instead (with a list and bullets maybe?), and "taking place in the.." should be under "where" if it is telling the reader the location. This may not be necessary but maybe have a table top background or a table mat. At the same time that it could work, i feel like the yellow text is out of place in a way because it's the only yellow in this while the main colors are white, red, and green.

  2. I love where you moved the text. The text on the plate looking like it's had bites taken out of it is a nice touch, and the columns are much more interesting. I agree with Shellron about the yellow, though I'm not sure you should change it all together because it feels like it pops pretty well for the headline. Maybe just incorporating one or two yellow accents elsewhere would make it fit better. Not sure how I feel about the box around the word presents.

  3. Adding texture isn't a bad idea - fabric texture to the green, and even the red backgrounds would add interest. You seem to have plenty of room at the bottom of the composition to pull the text down and give the plate more room (to be bigger?) I wonder if you might think about enlarging "Holiday Party" just a bit more and slide it "under" the silverware? Enlarging it would help us see the "bites' taken out of it.


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