Service learning flier and small handout

I changed things up a little bit by my clients suggestions, but instead of the empty space I added "Next meeting information" (does that need a colon?) then "place" and "time" under it (I'll ask my client if that is OK of course, seems quite reasonable)

"1. We want to go with the one without the hands.

2. We realized it would be good to have a space to write in our next meeting place and time, so will you move all the text up that is on the left-hand side to leave a blank spot at the bottom where we can just write that is as needed?  I think it would be best to write it in under the facebook address, but if you think it would look better to leave the contact info lines at the bottom and write in the meetings between the paragraph and the contact info that would work, too.

4. Without the hands, the swirly shapes in the logo are now competing with the diagonal colored bars at the top - maybe we don't need those bars at all and that would allow the logo to get a bit bigger and also leave more white space? Let me know what you think. "

*UPDATE* I made a few minor corrections, and i was told a SURJ event was happening on the 27th and that'd it'd be nice to have the flyer done. I sent the final PDFs today. 4/20/19

 The only difference in this one is the placement of the "Next meeting information"

This supposed to be the small handout sized at 4.25 x 5.5 inches, but the resolution is at 300 so it is big.

resolution is at 100 for this one

The resolution is a 72 for this one


  1. Man, they really keep pulling apart your design. You're doing a good job accommodating their requests, though. I think the design where the contact info at the bottom makes more sense. For the smaller handout, make sure you're resizing it right. If it's supposed to be printed, it should be at 300ppi while still printing at 4.25x5.5.


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