project 7 2.0- Daniel Hurst


  1. Trying to understand what's going on here, I think I understand the concept but I think the message needs to be a little clearer. Is this a PSA about PTSD? Whatever it's about, some sort of black or colored bar at the bottom with information would be useful. If it's not a PSA that's not necessarily needed but I'm struggling a bit with the purpose in that case.

    The text isn't quite parallel with the wall, I would use one of the warp tools (try perspective warp) to line it up better. If this is a PSA, though, it might be better as a headline at the top of the image.

    Who is this man in the front? He seems Middle Eastern, is there a reason behind that? Regardless, I think he could use some color correction to better blend with the background, try this video (, though I think a lot of it is that he has light shining on him but appears to be surrounded by walls, which might be hard to fix.

  2. A follow up question that I have is whether that ellipse shape (that holds the drone)is a thought bubble? I'm not sure if he is thinking about the drone or not... because that shape alone doesn't completely work. If this is a "thought bubble" then please look at how thought bubbles (notice the plural there) need to appear. What visual design elements are we familiar with... so we understand this is what someone is thinking?


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