Gina - Motion Graphic Project

This wasn't originally on my project list, but it's because I had just finished it and liked the way it came out, so I'm thinking about adding it into my portfolio.

Tell me what you guys think! What can I improve? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That's strange, it's working fine for me. Did you try clicking play again?

  2. I love this animation more than life itself. You did a great job of syncing up the video to the music, but my only complaint (it's small) is that there is one spot where doesn't quite line up but seems like it should. Around 18 seconds where the three slices of the spray come up, they appear almost in time with three synth beats, but the slice second and (especially) third come just a little bit before their beats. Aside from that little thing I absolutely love it.

  3. This animation is so awesome! The colors and movement are so bold and smooth. In a way it almost does feel like a dream.

  4. Yes, it should be on your web portfolio. I'm not sure it translates in a way to be successful in your physical portfolio... unless you gave a link/or QR code for people how are viewing your work via on-site or PDF to send them easily up to your website. Something to think about - because this is well done.


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