Mount Wachusett Community College, in Gardner MA offers a 2-year program for Graphic and Interactive Designer students. This final course in the GID program helps students assemble and present their best work produced in the program. This blog is produced by the GID Portfolio class under the direction of instructor Coni Porter.
This is looking pretty good Dan. I think the words Holiday Party are sitting in a more interesting position now... I do wonder why the Y in Holiday is actually touching the edge of the plate? If that word is "standing in" for food on the plate... the food would appear pretty messy in that same position. Also - I'm wondering if you intentionally chose that font? I think, somewhere back in this blog, I suggested that you change the font to a more bold font... so we could more easily see the bites taken out of it. did you consider that? And lastly... please pay attention to the kerning of the letters... do you see the extra space between the P and A in Party? In the end these letters seem to have multiple problems... so if you have the time, I would rework this font and pay close attention to how it sits on the plate underneath the utensils.